relics get around
Original design & historical replicas. Happy to work with museum design staff on crafting jewelry to coincide with upcoming exhibitions, stylists & costume departments for stage or screen.
Over the years you may have seen Parrish Relics on tv & films including Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix, 30 ROCK, Criminal Minds, Ugly Betty (Betty’s “B”)...
...if you were watching a play or Mythic film by Lisa Stock, visiting museum gift shops at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, Tate Britain for Edward Burne-Jones, or most recently at the British Museum for the Thomas Becket Exhibition.

once upon a time
...the fabulous artist rep Vicki Beth Lynn sold my work to Patricia Field for her upcoming costuming project called Ugly Betty.

I had made a polymer clay version of Anne Boleyn's famous initial necklace for a Tudor Film she was visiting in London next, and it never made it that far!

It became America Ferrera's signature piece, worn throughout all seasons of Ugly Betty and even had a few storyline features of its own.
Happy to work with museum shops for upcoming exhibitions, with costume departments for stage or screen.
jewelry for fairytales
Created for Enchanted Living Magazine, accessory design, styling and set design collaboration.
historical replicas

crivelli crown
Representation of the Crown worn in "Madonna and Child with Two Angels by Vittore Crivelli from the MET for NYC DIFFA auction.

current projects
Adapted from Albrecht Dürer's "Ornament with a Deer Lying in a Circle of Oak Branches".
Carved in wax, cast in antiqued bronze and sterling. Antiqued with layers of rich patina.

designs are easily adapted for Art Nouveau-style headpieces

sterling with labradorite, leaf & acorn

headpiece designed for Lisa Stock Film
browse collections currently in the shop and coming soon. customizations available.