plants, pollinators & snails

plants, pollinators & snails

Last week I was lucky enough to attend a lecture courtesy of Worthington Gardeners at the Worthington Historical Society. The topic was how to grow gardens of native plants that help our pollinators thrive, presented by Amy Pulley of Wing and a Prayer Nursery in Cummington, MA.

Have a look at her website for images of her beautiful gardens and the unique visitors she has witnessed, and if you are local please consider joining! There is a lot of information on how to help our fragile ecosystems by avoiding non-native plants and ending the use of chemicals and pesticides that harm all of us. This is vital to the survival of pollinators, wildlife, and ultimately ourselves! Beautiful, important and rewarding.

1,001 Pollinator Gardens

an initiative to encourage, support, and document the commitment of 1,001 people in Western Massachusetts to grow gardens that offer food and shelter to pollinators.
Our goals are to:
1. Provide sustaining habitat for pollinator species.
2. Help shift human gardening culture towards more ecologically beneficial gardening practices based on our knowledge of the needs of pollinators and other wildlife species.

 (image: Lupines purchased from Amy that live here at Frog Hollow.)


For this collections Giving Back ~ 50% will be donated to The Xerces Society from the sale of the Tapestry Snail Pictorial Shrine Amulet.

"The Xerces Society is a science-based conservation organization, working with diverse partners including scientists, land managers, educators, policymakers, farmers, and citizens.  By using applied researchengaging in advocacyproviding educational resources, and addressing policy implications, we endeavor to make meaningful long-term conservation a reality.

Our core programs focus on habitat conservation and restoration, species conservation, protecting pollinators, contributing to watershed health, and reducing harm to invertebrates from pesticide use."

(image: Rosy Maple Moth at Frog Hollow)

I may be considering joining the Worthington Gardeners Club despite my lack of a green thumb, they kindly tell me I can learn. Hopefully our gardens will grow with knowledge, community and a bit of hard work. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

 Visit Frog Hollow in June! 


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